Wednesday, April 21, 2010

15 or something like that

A Facebook thread went out tonight having you pick 15 movies that will always stay with you and you had to do it in 15 minutes or less to complete it. It was a little tricky because most the movies on my mind lately are ones that my daughters are watching over and over, thus Disney would have been the top 10. But here are the ones I picked and a little sentence or two as to why I did so. In the comment section feel free to leave your 15.

1. Empire Strikes back
     This was my favorite movie as a kid, probably still is to this day. It had great characters (All the OG's as well as Boba Fett, Lando, Yoda, Ton-Tons) and an amazing story line... what more do you want from a movie?
2. Dumb and Dumber
     I know many of you will disagree, but this was the funniest movie of my generation! I cried so hard my chest hurt throughout the entire movie. I know I went back atleast once more that first night, maybe twice. I think I saw this movie 10 to 15 times in one week (of course movie tickets were only $4 or $5 back then) and probably 30 times overall.
3. Happy Gilmore
      This might be a close tie for funniest movie of my generation. How do you not put a movie in your top 15 when you know every word of the entire movie (well I didn't put Nightmare Before Christmas- that was more of a fad). So many great lines.
4. Outsiders
     Not sure why this was on my top 15, but it was actually the first movie that came to mind. It was just a tough movie- Over the years it has continued to Stay Golden! Funny, how many kids I work with now have never even heard of this flick.
     Peter Jackson actually brought Frodo and crew to life. For the most part what you read in the book is what you saw on the screen. Amazing.
6. It's A Wonderful Life
    I was a little surprised this made my list, but I watch it every year and try to hold back tears. One of the greatest Christmas movies ever made. 
7. Life is Beautiful
     I'm trying to think of any foreign films I had seen previous to this, I'm sure there is one or two, but really this was the movie that brought me to see the beauty of international films. 
8. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
      A tender, serious movie by Jim Carrey and he nailed it. You know a movie is good when it makes you evaluate the relationships you have with others.
9. Beauty and the Beast
     I watched this movie when I was 17 or 18 after a terrible Halloween. I was sitting at home alone and I noticed my nieces copy on top of the tv.  A friend of mine, Loved! I  mean Loved this movie, so I thought what's the harm. She was right. Afterwards my world was not so bad and I had a new love in my life... Belle. 
10. Saving Private Ryan
      The first scene of the troops storming the beach is why this movie made my list. I went with a friend of mine (she picked the movie, I had no  idea what it was about) to the Edwards Palace. All I remember was having to give her my hoodie so she could hide her face and cry. It was one of the first movies that actually made you feel like you where in the midst of the war... it was ugly and brutal.
11. The Matrix
       It was just such a weird movie, The special effects were amazing and the story was so extremely different than the movies that were out there.
12. The Wizard of Oz
       C'mon, it's the Wizard of Oz! I loved it as a kid, and my kids love it now. The movie has stood up against the test of time.
13. O Brother Where Art Thou
       Great music and a endearing tale. George Clooney's not my favorite actor, but he did a great job.
14. Spinal Tap
        Probably the greatest movie about music of all time. Extremely funny. 
15. Say Anything
        An intelligent 80's teen movie (I stole that from IMBD). Seriously, Llyod Dobler gave every average guy Hope! Maybe, that's not such a good thing though, I remember calling up my high school cheerleading crush.... it didn't go so well.