Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Smoldering Soul

Overcast skies envelop my horizon
I enter into a stranger’s house
Comfortable enough, almost
To call my home
All the while Saints looking on
Begin to ask, “Why have you come to this house, dear friend?”

“To worship here with you, my brothers and sisters.” I reply
Hushed silence emanates from their mouths while casting wary, sideway eyes

I look around the brightened room
Wondering why the downcast
darkened faces
A war torn patriarch with hands held up
Stops me from speaking further

Your calloused heart in plain for all to see
Your soul is smoldering from
Warming your self by the fires of Hell

Listen to our tales
Of uncompromising, perseverance
The house is adorned with those who would not kneel
We have run the race and never ran from the battle

You dear boy, have yet to tie your shoes.

Whose side are you on? Where do you lay your head at night?

Your feet modeling untied shoes
Walk the fine line
Shall falter very soon.

The unmasked actor is hidden to none
In this room
Except the one playing the fool

Son your praises have fallen to the floor
The One worthy of worship
Does not adore the foul odor
Your false words store

Choose your side
Before the side chooses you

We would love to bathe you
scouring your charred remains
Cleansing you from the flames foul stench
Adorn and embrace you
With the brotherly kiss

Have you found your way home?
Or are you just paying a visit
Before you make your bed again near the infernos warmth

Can we help you tie your laces 
so you can join in the chase?

I bow my head and head out the door
Under the tempestuous skyline of rain and darkness
I wander out into the cold to warm my smoldering soul 
Next to the fire that brings no warmth

“Please dear Saints forgive and pray for my heinous heart and smoldering soul”